Philosophy of fundamental panafricanity, Kemi Seba

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In this philosophical essay articulating a correlation between universal black consciousness, metaphysics, history and geopolitics on the hand, and dichotomy between traditionalism and progressivism on the other, Kemi Seba traces the path of critical thinking allowing the black man and woman, whether they are from Africa, the Carribbean, Asia, the Near and Middle East, from America or Oceania, to find in themselves the keys to their survival, in a dominated world, temporarily, by Western supremacy.

ISBN : 9791091157414

Leading figure of pan-Africanism in the 21″ century, Kemi Seba is the president of the NGO Urgences panafricanistes and the initiator of the Anti-CFA Front (French Anti-colonialist Front in Africa).
Essayist and general manager of the Africa Resurrection (AR) media, he is the founder of the Ka Tribe. Trained, from 2011 to 2015, in political philosophy as a free listener by the Gabonese scholar Gregoire Biyogo, Kemi Seba is one of the most influential opinion leaders in the Black Francophone world in the 21″ century.
Elected «African political personality of the yeap in 2017 by the Africane channel, winner of the MJA Intellect 2017.
Based in Cotonou, Benin, Kemi Seba travels across the African continent and the Afrodiasporic world.

En stock


In this philosophical essay articulating a correlation between universal black consciousness, metaphysics, history and geopolitics on the hand, and dichotomy between traditionalism and progressivism on the other, Kemi Seba traces the path of critical thinking allowing the black man and woman, whether they are from Africa, the Carribbean, Asia, the Near and Middle East, from America or Oceania, to find in themselves the keys to their survival, in a dominated world, temporarily, by Western supremacy.

ISBN : 9791091157414

Informations complémentaires

Poids 260 g
Dimensions 20 x 12.5 x 1.6 cm

Maison d'édition

Nombre de pages

Lettre verte 3


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